Recently, we executed an integrated consumer campaign on the topic of package theft in the United States for our client, Blink. As a thought leader in the home security space, Blink coined the Thursday following Cyber Monday as “Package Theft Thursday” to highlight the heightened risk of stolen packages following consumers’ spike in online shopping. To raise awareness around Package Theft Thursday, we teamed up with our internal marketing technology and creative services teams to create a unique integrated PR campaign that resulted in ample media coverage. Here’s how this campaign came to life.
The challenge:
Now that online shopping is becoming the norm, package theft is a topic talked about in the media year-round. Therefore, the main challenge with this campaign was to create compelling content with a timely hook that would help us breakthrough to the media during a very media-heavy, saturated timeframe.
The strategy:
We needed to create content that could be used to secure robust media coverage that positioned Blink as a thought leader while warning consumers and media alike of the very real threat of package theft. Since a recent Nielson report confirmed that local news reaches more adults than both national broadcast networks and cable news, we also needed to create content that appealed to both top-tier national and local news outlets.
The tactics:
- Utilize the marketing technology team to create a statistically relevant survey asking participants to answer the question “Have you ever had a delivered package stolen from your residence?”
- Utilize the creative services team to create a corresponding and visually compelling heat map of the survey’s findings to accompany each pitch.
- Pitch top-tier and local media the survey results and corresponding heat map, tailoring each note to best fit the contact’s beat and location.

The results:
Blink’s survey – for which our marketing technology team surveyed 10,000 U.S. online consumers across the country – found that rural areas had a higher rate of packages stolen per population, with North Dakota having the highest rate. This means that having a package stolen from your home in North Dakota is more likely on a per population basis than in California, which is contrary to a widely accepted notion that metropolitan areas have the highest rate of theft.To date, Blink’s survey findings and heat map have resulted in 15 pieces of coverage and over 25 million impressions, and growing. Coverage has included both top-tier publications such as USA Today, CNBC and Apartment Therapy as well as local broadcast coverage in states that were found to have the highest percentages of package theft.This is one of the many integrated consumer campaigns we've brought to life. Contact us to hear about more examples of our work in the consumer sector.
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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
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