How to Use Social Media Retargeting for Higher PPC Conversion Rates

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PPC is a mainstay of digital marketing. It puts your business ahead of all the other businesses that have worked their SEO magic to get the top rank, and it drives people to your website. However, it doesn’t boast the best conversion rates. So how can you improve your PPC conversion rate? The best way is through social media and retargeting.

Improve your PPC conversation rates

By setting up a Pixel (a small piece of html code) on the PPC ad’s landing, you can capture information about everyone that visits that landing page. You can then use that information to create a custom audience to target a new campaign to via a social media platform like Facebook. Your PPC click is how you initially target your audience—social media is how you retarget them.

The benefits of retargeting

There are several benefits to retargeting. First, people who have interacted with your business oncee are more likely to convert. According to AdRoll, around 2 percent of customers convert in the first visit to a website, but twice as many convert if they are retargeted with an advertising campaign. A comScore study also found online stores gain up to 726% improvement with retargeting while branded searches increase by up to 1046%.Secondly—it helps to build your brand. People who have searched online and clicked through a PPC ad are more likely to recognize you as a brand if they see your business appear on their social media feed. It creates the illusion of a marketing campaign that is everywhere even though it has been specifically targeted to them.

The double team of retargeting and social media

Retargeting helps to continue the conversation with your customer, and they can be retargeted more than once. If they click through on your social media ad and still don’t convert, you can retarget them with another message—perhaps by expending an offer based on what they had just viewed. Rather than decreasing, the conversion rate for retargeting still remains high. It allows you to recapture customers that you would otherwise lose if they had just clicked through on a PPC ad.The benefits don’t end there. Just as you can create a custom audience based on your original PPC pixel information, you can also create a lookalike audience. This feature analyzes the data of the people who have already interacted with your website, and creates a new audience of a similar makeup to the original audience. The pixel doesn’t just let you find an audience to retarget, it lets you find brand new audiences who are already likely to be interested in your brand.If you retarget through Facebook’s audience network, you don’t just find your potential customer on Facebook; they can be found on Instagram, through web banners, via in-app ads, and through ads on other websites they visit. You can also change the message based on the interaction they have had with your website. If they have clicked your PPC ad once, you can send one message. If they have added something to their cart and then abandoned it, you can send a different message.

The customer’s perspective

Let’s look at this from the point of view of a customer on their sales journey. You see rain in this weekend’s forecast, so you search online for somewhere to buy an umbrella. There’s an umbrella company right at the top of the search list in a PPC ad. Upon clicking through, you’re surprised by how stylish the umbrellas are. However, you’ve never really heard of the store before so you leave the site and keep looking in the hopes that you’ll find something similar for a lower price.A few days later, you check Facebook and see the same umbrella company from before, and they’re showing a picture of one you liked most. You click through and put the umbrella in your basket, but then you get distracted by a phone call.After you hang up, you start playing a game on your phone—forgetting all about the umbrella. You haven’t paid to remove the adverts, and then an ad for the umbrella you were looking at pops up with a limited 10% off code. You click through, and this time you buy the umbrella. You’ve seen the umbrella store everywhere, and now, because of the number of interactions you’ve had, you may even tell your friends about the store and its limited time discount code.

Why you need social media retargeting

After looking at retargeting from the customer’s perspective, it’s easy to see that they were more likely to buy each time they were retargeted. It also strengthens the reputation of the brand; the sequence of interactions can transform a potential customer into an actual customer and then a promoter. With such easy setup and so many benefits, there’s no reason not to add social media retargeting to your PPC strategy.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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