How often do you read press releases sent to you?

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This is a sneak preview of a small part of our main stage talk at Social Fresh East this week.A couple of months ago, we asked the question of ourselves: does anyone still read press releases? Is it still worth doing them? To find out, we commissioned some basic primary research of our own to answer this question. Out of a representative sample of 200 paid professional bloggers or journalists, here's the answer:

How often do you read press releases that are sent to you by agencies, companies, or PR professionals?

While 43% of respondents said that they never read them, that leaves the majority still reading press releases at least some of the time, with 19.4% saying they always do.If you were to stop sending press releases today, you'd lose 1 out of 5 of the readers of it. Are you prepared to lose nearly 20% of the people you're currently reaching?Be sure to catch our talk this week for more insights about PR 2.0 and if you're attending, swing by the SHIFT Communications exhibit on the floor.Christopher S. PennVice President, Marketing TechnologyDisclosure StatementSHIFT commissioned Google Consumer Surveys to collect responses from a representative sample of 200 respondents who answered yes to the following screening question: “Are you a journalist or paid professional blogger?” This survey collected 34,721 impressions and 10,561 responses for a 30.4% response rate with an RMSE score of 3.0%. Possible answers were yes or no. For the question “How often do you read press releases that are sent to you by agencies, companies, or PR professionals?”, 172 responses were collected from the pool of screened respondents out of 438 impressions for a response rate of 45.7% with an RMSE score of 4.5% at a 95% confidence interval. Possible answers were a weighted scale from 1 to 5, where 1 was never and 5 was always. SHIFT Communications was the sole investor in the study. The survey population was the adult Internet user population of the United States, weighted against the US Census Bureau Current Population Survey for age, gender, and region. The date of the survey period was 2/4/13-2/13/13. Survey data available upon request; click here to contact SHIFT Communications.[cta]

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