Earned Media Highlights from 2016

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Garnering earned media coverage that is meaningful for our clients is our number one priority as their public relations partner. Ensuring that our efforts will provide material that is helpful to our clients’ goals and bottom lines means we are constantly fine tuning and tweaking our approach to the media to keep our clients and their messages fresh and relevant. Below I detail a selection of media placements the NYC B2B team earned this year, and a bit of background on how and why each piece mattered to our clients.For our client AccountantsWorld, we were eager to position them as a tech company that is thriving outside of Silicon Valley. AccountantsWorld is based in Long Island, New York and takes a more traditional approach to running their tech-forward company, by providing its employees with intellectually stimulating work and emphasizing work/life balance rather than touting free snacks and office pets. We captured these sentiments and created a byline by AccountantsWorld’s co-founder Sharada Bhansali, and shopped it to various media outlets. We were thrilled to see it run in Forbes in September: Retaining Tech Employees Outside the Silicon Valley Bubble.We harnessed the smarts of our client Sailthru in a similar way, who made an acquisition earlier this year of a leading mobile marketing automation company, Carnival.io. Carnival’s CEO Guy Horrocks joined the Sailthru team and brought with him keen acumens into the latest trends and developments in the mobile space, including forward-thinking views on Apple’s new operating platform that debuted earlier this year, iOS10. Our team took his insights and placed two different bylines, one for Mobile Marketer and one for VentureBeat, that offered marketers advice on how to harness the power of Apple’s new rich push notifications that debuted with the iOS 10 system.Another coverage highlight this year came on behalf of Corcentric, when we placed a byline in CIO Review Magazine by Hugo Borda, their SVP of Technology and Engineering: The Rise of .NET and Challenges to Consider. After just a 20-minute conversation with Hugo, our team was able to compose the article on this subject matter that was new to us. Hugo went out of his way to thank the team for their hard work on the article and called out that he personally received a lot of great feedback about how well written it was and how easy it was to follow from colleagues and customers.Finally, over the summer, we worked with client Dubdub to launch their video creation mobile app and secured day-of coverage in Digital Trends, which was syndicated over a dozen times to various outlets that helped to spread awareness of the app’s launch. Digital Trends has a readership of over 12 million a month, which helped build momentum early on for the app with a key audience segment.Our charge is to earn media placements that are impactful for our clients. Staying top of mind with reporters and editors that select contributed content pieces demands creative thinking and an intimate knowledge of the rapidly evolving news cycle. As 2016 winds down, we look forward to a new year to bring our clients the kind of coverage that continues to help them grow their businesses.Mary McGuireAccount ManagerWant meaningful earned media coverage for yourself in 2017? Contact us today![cta]

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