SEO Strategies: AdWords Ad Extensions 101

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AdWords ad extensions are a critical tool in Google AdWords bidding. If you missed the 101 course on basic AdWords bidding strategies, you can find it here.So what is an ad extension? Ad extensions expand your ad with additional information that would not otherwise be presented in the typical ad format. Anyone who uses AdWords knows the struggle of battling for little breathing room on the SERPs. Not only are you fighting for your life for space, you also have limited text to get your message across. It’s tough. But ad extensions are here to make your life easier. Ad extensions expand the space of your ads and display more of those bragging points that make your business one in a million. Extensions give your ad greater visibility and prominence on the SERP, increase your CTR, and give people additional ways to interact with your business. If that’s the cake, then this is the icing: Ad extensions are free. Consider yourself sold.There are multiple types of ad extensions, each bringing their own specific use and benefit to the table. Here are the different types of extensions, the goal of each, and best practices:


Goal: Get customers to convert on your websiteSitelink extensions link to specific pages on your website and if clicked, the user will be directed to that page. Ads displayed on desktop can show up to six links and four on mobile. Sitelink extensions take up the most space on ads, so use them to clog up the SERP.


Call extensions

Goal: Get customers to contact youCall extensions add the phone number to your business on desktop and a clickable call button on mobile. This extension is particularly effective and convenient for mobile shoppers. Google claims that phone numbers presented in ads increase click through rates as much as 6% to 8%.

call extension

Location extensions

Goal: Get customers to buy from your business locationLocation extensions incorporate your business address, phone number, map marker, and even a link to directions for mobile users. Location extensions are useful if a customer is looking for a service and needs it ASAP. For example, if suddenly you have a hankering for Ben and Jerry’s (we’ve all been there), the closest Ben and Jerry’s ice cream parlors with location extensions enabled will show up at the top of the search results.


Callout extensions

Goal: Get customers to buy from your business location and convert on your websiteCallout extensions allow you to add short snippets of text that display underneath your ad. Callout’s are an excellent extension to showcase additional features, offerings, or promotions. If you can’t fit everything you want to say in the initial headline, then callout extensions are perfect to promote one of a kind aspects of your business.


Review extensions

Goal: Get customers to convert on your websiteReview extensions allow you to add quotes or rankings from published sources to increase credibility of your ad. Again, it must be a published source. Sorry to all you sneaky people out there but adding a review from your own site is a no go. It must come from a third-party site that is approved by Google.


App extensions

Goal: Get people to download your appApp extensions help encourage people to download your app on mobile. It shows that your app may enhance the users experience with your business.


Structured snippets

Goal: Get customers to convert on your websiteStructured snippets is basically the extension to rule all extensions. It allows you to squeeze tons of different categories of information in your ads that otherwise wouldn’t fit. Structured snippets only make up one line of copy in the entire ad, but have a couple of ingredients. The recipe for a structured snippet is as follows

  • Header: The header is what best reflects a category, feature, service, or product that you offer. Available headers include anything from service brands, destinations, neighborhoods, styles, catalogs, and more. Basically, anything your heart desires. Ads can show up to two headers at a time
  • Values: Custom copy that allows you to list at least 3 and as many as 10 features, services, or products related to your header. Each is limited to 25 characters.
structured snippet

Price extensions

Goal: Get customers to convert on your websitePrice extensions allow you to display your products or services with their prices and enables customers to browse your products right on your ad. You can add a description of the item and price units. Price extensions, like sitelinks, dominate ad space.


Message extensions

Goal: Get customers to contact youMessage extensions give people the ability to directly send you a text message from your ad if your contact info is provided. This a great way to kick off communication and help nudge the buyer along the journey to purchase.


Affiliate locations

Goal: Get customers to buy from your business locationThe affiliate locations extension helps people find retail chain stores that sell your products. They can even tap for directions to that specific location on mobile. This is a great option for businesses just beginning to spread their wings and may not have a storefront or online store.That’s all the AdWords ad extensions! I know you’re all bright eyed and bushy tailed to start using them, but here are some best practices to consider from Google themselves before making a move.


Best practices

  • Extensions are free and will show if they’re predicted to improve your ad performance. So why not use every extension possible? Don’t be shy and use all that are relevant to your business.
  • Great things come in fours. Consider using 4 or more extensions at a time.
  • When available, create extensions at the account or campaign level.

If you need help building an SEO strategy or conducting an SEO audit for your brand and its competitors, contact SHIFT's digital team today. We can help you build an SEO strategy and AdWords campaigns to create measurable lift for your brand.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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