6 Ways to Use Twitter Tailored Audiences for PR and Marketing

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When Twitter launched its Tailored Audiences in December, it allowed advertisers to reach audiences that were already visitors of their website using cookies to tie to Twitter IDs. Now, Twitter has expanded Tailored Audience capabilities to include targeting of existing email databases and influencers identified by Twitter ID. Rather than walking you through the how to do this we want to give you some ideas on how you can put the new methods to use.

Using an Email Database to Target Twitter Users

Twitter Custom Audiences by Email

This method targets Twitter IDs based on their email addresses and is powered by your CRM prospects/email newsletter list of subscribers. Twitter gives you one great example of targeting loyal customers/clients with an offer specific to them for remaining fans for the long haul via Twitter.For sales and marketing, it would be a great experiment for retargeting prospects. One example: deals for conference booth visitors. Offer up a deal specifically via Twitter and add people to your custom audiences in real time rather than shooting the person an email on top of all the other email they have to comb through after being away from the office at the conference. It's one less email that they'll delete because other things require their attention. Plus, conferences have done a great job overall in encouraging attendees to participate on Twitter during events - take advantage of this simple trend.Another idea: send offers to prospects that have identified themselves as very interested, but maybe their purchase is on the back burner. It's a great use case for sales teams to identify who to target and get some signatures on contracts.If you're a PR pro, you could retarget reporters on pitch lists via Twitter. While we urge you to consider all the angles of doing so and do it well, we think this is a great way to reach out without more email.

Using Twitter IDs to reach new influencers/followers/reporters and more

Targeting Twitter IDs as Custom Audiences

First up would be identifying the audiences that you want to target. Twitter had a great example about targeting fashion influencers and how the process works. You find the Twitter usernames or IDs and then create a list to target with a specific advertisement for that audience.One example using this method would be to target competitors' followers/lists/fans. Identify and compare your followers with that of your competitors to create lists that you can then make a unique offer to.For PR folks, consider using this new tool to target reporters (we urge you to make this highly targeted to their interests) by identifying a list of them via MuckRack (or other list services) and reach out to them about a great story. Again, this is something PR folks will want to use sparingly and judiciously, but it has great potential. If you have already identified and created Twitter lists of reporters for specific clients, you can use this as well.There are a variety of other ways to use the new Twitter Tailored Audiences feature; both are important tools to add to your toolbox and have different roles. Twitter ID based influencer type targeting is more about reaching new audiences whereas CRM retargeting is reaching current prospects and customers.Stay tuned to the SHIFT blog as we'll be digging into these new options with a test and will offer up the results for discussion.Chel WolvertonSenior Marketing Analyst

Images courtesy of the Twitter blog


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