Pew Internet Study: 3 out of 4 online adults use social media

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For those who love research and numbers, the latest study out of The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project reveals some astonishing numbers. 72%, or nearly 3 out of 4, adult online Americans are using social media. At participation rates like that, social media isn't optional for any business that's online and wanting to remain relevant.In this particular study, Pew also took a look at how many people were using Twitter and what their demographics looked like. Black and Hispanic participation rates on Twitter are nearly double that of White users, which means that for marketers and communicators looking to reach those valuable audiences, Twitter may warrant more focus.Twitter at large is used by nearly 1 in 5 adult online Americans, so if you're not participating or monitoring in some fashion, you're ignoring 18% of your customers. Be sure to read the whole study for more details and their methodology.

Christopher S. PennVice President, Marketing Technology[cta]

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