Axon Communications Turns 15!

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November marks 15 years that AXON Communications, an AVENIR GLOBAL firm, has been serving some of the largest healthcare companies in the UK and beyond. Ranked one of the top five largest healthcare communications consultancies in the UK, AXON launched in 2003 when International Managing Partner Ralph Sutton got started in his own home -- quite the leap to now operating with more than 100 employees in five countries!The team over at AXON sat down with Ralph to discuss his journey and key learnings from over the past decade and a half. Here are some of the highlights:

  • On employee growth... "It's great seeing people who have been with us for a while being promoted for the second or third time. That means we have really done something right with developing that person's career."
  • On what it takes to succeed... "One of our values is collaboration -- and the way that has evolved has really taken our business forward."
  • On the biggest changes... "There has been a transformation in the way businesses think about communications. In 2003, we still needed to argue that business needed professional communications knowing that people can have a life-long career in communications is quite a transformation."
  • On the future... "We work in complex, highly regulated industries and people need to transform complex science into clear, simple stories. That won't change. I am certain AXON will still be here in 15 years, still distilling complex science and communicating it in compelling ways."

Read the full Q&A with Ralph on AXON's blog here.[cta]

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